Our KANdidates 2024
FPN Faculty Council
Iris Joon
I’m Iris, a second year psychology student at FPN. I was born in The Netherlands, but have a family background from all over Europe. I have noticed that many of my peers, both Dutch and international, don’t feel as welcome or cared for as they could at our university.
I’ve been a member of the faculty council in the past year, working on creating an environment in which everyone feels at home and to create a sense of community. So far I’ve aimed to do so through activities such as hosting an art gallery or creating plans to get more plants in our buildings. I want to make sure you feel heard, so please don’t hesitate to stop me for a chat if you see me walking around FPN or sitting in the student council room!
Sofia Jimenez
I’m Sofia, a second year student at FPN and president of the FPN Green Team. I am very passionate about sustainability, in my free time I enjoy spending time outdoors, baking, being active and being with friends.
I hope to spread awareness on climate change and sustainability, and its implementation in our daily life, and career course you choose. With KAN I hope to implement small environmentally friendly and sustainable changes to the faculty, and hopefully university wide to create an impact in the future.
If you have any suggestions that you want to implement, feel free to contact me.
Our KANdidates have worked really hard to come up with policies to fight for all of us at UM
Check out what our representatives at your faculty have in store for you!
Check out what we as a party stand for these elections and who we are!