Health Symposium
We are already working on integrating challenges of the 21st century in curricula in several projects. However, we are also working on communicating some insights into education for the future outside of existing curricula. The KAN Party team is the driving force behind the Global Health Symposium in April. The 2-half-day symposium links global health with climate change and biodiversity loss and will end with a panel discussion on how these topics could be permanently integrated in the health curricula. After the symposium, this will be further worked on.
What is the relation between health and climate change? And how does biodiversity loss play into that? The COVID-19 crisis is just one current example reiterating the importance of these interaction.
KAN Party and IFMSA have organised a symposium to learn about these topics and address why they are not yet part of the health-related curricula at Maastricht University.
The symposium will include keynote speakers from Harvard University, The Lancet Countdown, Dutch and German Universities who will elaborate on the different aspects and perspectives of the relationship between health and climate change. During a short workshop, you will also get to learn about the links between biodiversity and psychology in an interactive way.
At the end of the second day, a panel discussion will take place on how we can incorporate the discussed aspects in all health-related curricula at UM. With these ideas, we hope to further push our university to act and adapt our education to our current and future challenges.
This event was partly made possible by the UM Promotion Fund, and the Universiteitsfonds Limburg.
Day 1 - 22nd of April
15:00-15:10 Introduction
15:10-15:50 Dr. Renzo Guinto - Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
15:50-16:30 Prof. Peter Blankenstijn - UMC Utrecht
16:30-17:10 Dr. Andrea Christopher - University of Washington
17:10-17:50 Workshop with Kevin Rozario - German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
17:50-18:00 Closing the day
Day 2 - 23rd of April
12:00-12:10 Introduction
12:10-12:50 Dr. Marina B. Romanello - The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change
12:50-13:30 Joel Methorst - Helmut-Schmidt University
13:45-15:00 Panel Discussion on the integration of Climate Change into UM health curricula with internal and external speakers
Event Slides