Our KANdidates 2024
LAW Faculty Council
Beatrice Pedergnana
Hi, I’m Beatrice and I’m an ELS student. I’ve been on the KAN board for a few months, besides politics I love climbing and singing, and I spend most of my free time trying to catch as much Dutch sunlight as possible.
I have been advocating for climate justice for the last five years and I’d love to introduce this in the curricula, I believe the university should be a space for students and staff to develop critical thinking and skills to make an impact in the world.
Don’t hesitate to stop me in the halls for a chat!
Athanassios Pantazis
Hi, I'm Thanos, an ELS student. I have a strong interest in politics and some experience promoting the interests of my fellow peers as a representative during my time at the University of Athens, Greece.
In terms of academics, my main interests lie in advocating for human rights and positive peace. Besides that, I love cinema. I truly believe that combining our passions and aiming for a better future is entirely possible when we realize how powerful each one of us is.
I can't wait to meet everyone because only collectively can we bring about the change we want.
Our KANdidates have worked really hard to come up with policies to fight for all of us at UM
Check out what our representatives at your faculty have in store for you!
Check out what we as a party stand for these elections and who we are!