Our KANdidates 2024
FASOS Faculty Council
Tho Thi
I’m Tho — a second-year Global Studies student from Vietnam. I’ve had the opportunity to be a member of FASoS Faculty Council this year and would love to be able to continue representing the voices of my fellow students in the coming one. :)
As a student representative, I want to raise awareness on existing essential resources, such as mental health services. I also aim to ensure that international students can have a soft landing into their student life in Maastricht as well as feeling welcome and included throughout their study.
My plan to achieve these goals is to continue working on current initiatives to introduce workshops and events that suit the needs and interests of FASoS students. If you have any idea or suggestion, don’t hesitate to have a chat with me in the hallway or at Bandito’s!
Sonora Ward
Hi there!
I’m Sonora, a second year Global Studies student dedicated to climate and social justice. This past year as a faculty councilor I have pushed for increased resources and support for internationals, adding an evacuation chair in 76, and organized a workshop to address harmful behavior in PBL. I hope to have the opportunity to continue these projects and more!
I hope to have the opportunity to continue to contribute to a more equitable, sustainable and inclusive learning environment for my fellow students.
I aim to expand support for international students, improve accessibility of the faculties, implement training/workshops to create safer learning environments and organize community building activities centered on ecology and mental health :)
Srna Todorova
Hey :) I’m Srna, a second-year Global Studies student. I like to spend my time baking, reading, hiking, and learning languages.
KAN’s mental health and diversity & inclusivity values are of great importance to me. I am committed to working towards maintaining and improving the UM wellbeing support access at our faculty, mainly mental health services. As for the diversity & inclusivity aspect, my priority is to foster an inclusive learning/teaching environment where everyone feels comfortable.
I look forward to collaborating with my fellow student representatives and staff to make our faculty a pleasant space where academic and personal development thrive.
Jakob Seul
Hey! I’m Jakob and I am doing European Studies. To relax and distract me from the Uni stress we all experience I love to bake, do arts and engage in politics. Besides, I passionately commit for a closer international community of students in Maastricht that is aware of their role in promoting openness, sustainability and constructive problem resolution.
A key goal of mine in the next year is therefore to enhance communication across faculties and collectively push for better well-being and more ecological awareness at our Faculties. Let me know if you are down for a coffee or a chat!
Maëlysse Billard
Hi! I’m Maelysse and I’m a second-year student in Global Studies. I’m a KAN and a Fasos Green team member as my values turn around sustainability, climate awareness, and inclusivity. Besides these values, I am very active and like to run and lift weights.
Improving our learning system is improving the faculty building itself, making it more sustainable, but also improving the inclusiveness and the enlargement of the student community. After spending about a year in Fasos, I am determined to help make changes and improve our environment.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to chat!
Thanh Pham
Hi! My name is Thanh Pham and I’m in my first year of Global Studies. My passion lies in sustainability, diversity and equality of opportunities which is why I’m here with KAN. Besides, I enjoy doing a lot of new things and spending some time in the park with nature.
In the upcoming academic year, I’m committed to implementing eco-friendly initiatives and advocating for diversity across our campus. I believe that the FaSoS Council would allow me to do so in collaboration with fellow students and staff members to make a great change to our community. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and have a chat with me!
Our KANdidates have worked really hard to come up with policies to fight for all of us at UM
Check out what our representatives at your faculty have in store for you!
Check out what we as a party stand for these elections and who we are!