Our KANdidates 2024
University Council
Krithik Rock
Hey, I’m Krithik!
I’m from Pondicherry, in South India, but grew up in Malaysia and Singapore, learning to love multiculturalism along the way. Besides a board year with KAN Party and two with UNSA Maastricht, I've accrued experience as both the Vice-Chair of the FASoS Faculty Council as well as the Chair of the Strategy Committee of the University Council, that I am currently serving as. I therefore bring an approach which unites that understanding of UM’s political arena with my ardency to engage with representing and building the community(ies) surrounding us, in order to see UM through to its greener and more international ambitions.
In particular, I intend to address the university's local engagement and cooperation with the municipality to provide solutions for the housing crisis, and to continue the University Council's work supporting the work of the Diversity and Inclusivity Office and the Sexual Safety Programme.
Wanna learn more about KAN Party or just how these councils work or maybe do you have concerns and proposals regarding something at the university? Seek me out at the Sustainability Hub or in Banditos at FASoS or reach out to KAN Party on Instagram!
Alina Timoșenco
Hello, UM! I'm Alina, a Sustainability student and a KAN canditate for the University Council.
Besides studying, I enjoy reading, running, and pet-sitting. I am committed to promoting sustainability initiatives within our curriculum, ensuring affordable meal options in our cafeteria, and prioritizing student well-being.
I aim to bring tangible improvements to our university experience, and your support can help me make a real change in our community! Vote KAN!
Our KANdidates have worked really hard to come up with policies to fight for all of us at UM
Check out what our representatives at your faculty have in store for you!
Check out what we as a party stand for these elections and who we are!