Empowering Responsibility
SINCE 2019
KAN represents a vision of a more just and sustainable society at Maastricht University.
We are the KAN Party. We are the voice that formed through the coalition of student and local organisations uniting forces to make the most substantial impact possible for climate justice. We are the voice of sustainability in UM’s councils. As organisations and individuals, we have experience initiating substantial change and want to continue positively impacting the world. We are students who want climate justice and a socially and environmentally committed university – we are students who want change.
Let’s get things done, together
1. Sustainability and Social Responsibility
As a university, UM acts as a key actor in science and society. UM has a social responsibility to contribute to the creation of a better, more equal and sustainable world. UM must foster the local economy, commit to limiting global warming to 1.5°C as prescribed by the IPCC and collaborate with other local actors in order to tackle contemporary challenges.
2. Education for the Future
Our future is uncertain. Most of our social systems need to be restructured if not reinvented and the education we receive at UM must reflect this challenge. It has been shown that introducing holistic curricula and establishing a link between societal challenges and the content of courses promotes scientific literacy and fosters co-responsibility. UM must have a decolonized modern curricula that gives room to the impact climate change has on every area of study.
3. Wellbeing - Health, Safety & Housing
Being at UM should be a positive experience for everyone - from students and administrative staff to tutors and cleaning personnel. High quality wellbeing support must be provided to every member of the community tailored to individuals’ needs. UM should guarantee optimal working and learning conditions. This entails: Fair pay for every worker, with an emphasis on invisible staff and student staff, adequate financial support and training for student organisations and associations.
4. Participation, Communication & Transparency
As a student party, we want to hold UM accountable for its decisions and actions. However, a prerequisite for accountability is transparency. It is currently very difficult to evaluate UM’s internal and external functioning, including its sustainability policy, because of a lack of public information and reporting. Furthermore, more transparency is needed to encourage students’ and staff’s involvement in democratic processes.
5. Diversity & Inclusivity
Independent of class, race, disability, sexuality and gender, everyone should have a place and a voice at UM. This must be reflected in the way UM conducts itself towards its students and staff. For example, university services such as the UM Guesthouse should be affordable for everyone. Gender balance should be strived for university wide. People with a disability should be supported on an individual basis that fits their needs. To be a diverse and inclusive university, UM should decolonize the curricula, improve the accessibility of UM for POC students and staff and provide resources to expand the D&I support network to address the struggles of BIPOC students and staff.
Everything depends on Collaboration
Collaboration is a core value of the KAN Party. Collaboration was the principle on which the KAN Party was founded when student members of KAN organisations wanted to bring KAN’s ambitions to the university.
Collaboration is central to everything we do, not only between KAN organisations but with organisations on the UM, local and national level.